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S.O.A. Knives are tough, battle-ready fixed blade and pocket knives that are made to last a lifetime and stand up to the worst possible conditions. BUDK has a selection of knives that are sharp and capable whether you're using them at home or in combat!

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  • How long has S.O.A. Knives been around?
    S.O.A. Knives has been around since 2013 putting out tough, battle-ready fixed blades that are made to last a lifetime and stand up to the worst possible conditions. They have a selection of knives that are sharp and capable whether you’re using them at home or in combat!
  • What kind of products do they have?
    S.O.A. Knives offers an inventory that includes trench knives, tactical knives, and survival knives.
  • What kind of products from S.O.A. Knives do you have?
    We have stocked our inventory with S.O.A. Knives that include trench knives, survival bowies and combat knives.